LEGO Construction Category

Creation of a 3D model. START level

Creation of three-dimensional models in the environment of LEGO Digital Designer or Studio 2.0

You need to know and be able to

  • Choose the LEGO parts you want
  • connect LEGO pieces
  • highlight details, including multiple selection
  • rotate parts to the desired plane
  • build a model of the desired size
  • change the color of a part
  • resize model
  • clone parts
  • create prints on details
  • save file in team_name.lxf format
  • send a file for review to the text chat of the Discord messenger

For the dates of this championship

see the calendar of events

Who can participate

The recommended age is 7-10 years. The team consists of 1 participant - individual championship.

You'll need

LEGO Digital Designer Virtual Software (Install Link LDD:

Summing up the results of the Olympiad

The best attempt counts.
1st degree diploma - 95-100% of the assignment,
2nd degree diploma - 81 - 94%,
3rd degree diploma - 70 - 80%,
participant certificate less than 70%.

Getting ready for the Olympics. Practice:

Training task

Competition rules

Before the Olympiad:

  1. Registration (contact the Olympiad representative in your country);
  2. Receiving confirmation by email of the participant;
  3. Discord - notification;
  4. Discord - admission.

On the day of the Olympiad:

  1. Discord - Category voice channel (gramophone icon).
  2. Login from the device (we recommend a computer or laptop / tablet).
  3. Dialogue with judges;
  4. Receiving an assignment online;
  5. All tasks are perceived by ear and immediately executed. Adults take a photo-result.
  6. Completing the task by time (0.5 hours);
  7. Discord - Send results to organizers.
  8. Filling out a google form.

After the Olympiad:

The results of the Olympiad (award documents - receiv by e-mail) no later than 7 days from the date of the Olympiad.