LEGO Construction Category

Creation of a 3D model. PROFI level

Creation of three-dimensional models in the environment of LEGO Digital Designer or Studio 2.0

You need to know and be able to

  • Choose the LEGO parts you want
  • connect LEGO pieces
  • highlight details, including multiple selection
  • turn parts to the desired plane and at the desired angle
  • build models by size
  • change the color of a part
  • scale model
  • clone parts
  • bend flexible elements
  • connect the technician parts with pins and connectors
  • connect gears
  • use electronics in models
  • create prints on details
  • save file in komanda.lxf (LDD) or (Studio 2.0) format
  • send a file for review by filling out the form in the text chat of the Discord messenger
    in its category

For the dates of this championship

see the calendar

Who can participate

The recommended age is 7-10 years. The team consists of 1 participant - individual championship.

You'll need

LEGO Digital Designer Virtual Software (Install Link LDD:

Summing up the results of the Olympiad

The best attempt counts.
1st degree diploma - 95-100% of the assignment,
2nd degree diploma - 81 - 94%,
3rd degree diploma - 70 - 80%,
participant certificate less than 70%.

Getting ready for the Olympics. Practice:

Training task

Competition rules

Before the Olympiad:

  1. Registration (contact the Olympiad representative in your country);
  2. Receiving confirmation by email of the participant;
  3. Discord - notification;
  4. Discord - admission.

On the day of the Olympiad:

  1. Discord - Category voice channel (gramophone icon).
  2. Login from the device (we recommend a computer or laptop / tablet).
  3. Dialogue with judges;
  4. Receiving an assignment online;
  5. All tasks are perceived by ear and immediately executed. Adults take a photo-result.
  6. Completing the task by time (0.5 hours);
  7. Discord - Send results to organizers.
  8. Filling out a google form.

After the Olympiad:

The results of the Olympiad (award documents - receiv by e-mail) no later than 7 days from the date of the Olympiad.